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Rachel Clark - Founder of Lumina Australia 

"I am here to make our communities, our partnerships, and our organisations safer and fairer, when in relationship together in our work and lives."

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Rachel Clark

Founder of Lumina Australia

Rachel has worked for three decades in community organisations and education settings to build safer connections between people and communities.  She has done this as a teacher, trainer, group work facilitator, coach, mentor, mediator and community development leader of community based programs and organisations.


Rachel chooses to prioritise work in spaces which actively pursue safety, shared understandings, connection and empathy and seeks to amplify the voices and views of under-represented community members, including young people, women, and people from culturally diverse backgrounds.


'I love to collaborate with people and share ideas about how we can make our world a safer and fairer place for all.  I’ve always believed in social change and Che Quera quote ‘let’s be realistic, let’s do the impossible’ sums up how I choose to live my life and do my work.  Making change, building connections based on trust and safety, and empowering ourselves and others is BIG WORK, but it is possible.'

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My Mission

As a teacher, trainer, and group work facilitator I support people to learn how to work better together to achieve shared goals through positive relationships and mutual understandings.

As a mediator I support people to be able to hear each other's different perspectives through a patient process of active listening and safe boundary setting, moving towards shared and sustainable outcomes together.

As a lifelong learner of communication for healthy human relationships I am always curious to  listen and learn to see what helps repair connection after fracture, and what builds trust, in positive and challenging times.

I am committed to the idea that by developing our communication skills we can enhance our lives and build a fairer, more peaceful world for all.

Get in touch today

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